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[V7R]≫ [PDF] Gratis Sol English Writing in Mexico A Literary Magazine Volume 1 Eva Hunter Fiona Hernandez 9780615606828 Books

Sol English Writing in Mexico A Literary Magazine Volume 1 Eva Hunter Fiona Hernandez 9780615606828 Books

Download As PDF : Sol English Writing in Mexico A Literary Magazine Volume 1 Eva Hunter Fiona Hernandez 9780615606828 Books

Download PDF Sol English Writing in Mexico A Literary Magazine Volume 1 Eva Hunter Fiona Hernandez 9780615606828 Books

56 Authors from around the world present prize-winning poetry, fiction, and literary nonfiction in this anthology of works about, but not limited to, English writing in Mexico. All profits from sales of this book go to scholarships for at-risk Mexican children through the San Miguel de Allende chapter of International PEN in collaboration with the literary magazine "Sol English Writing in Mexico." Authors include Tony Cohan, Christopher Cook, Molly Fisk, James Cervantes, John Yohe, Judyth Hill and many more outstanding writers.

Sol English Writing in Mexico A Literary Magazine Volume 1 Eva Hunter Fiona Hernandez 9780615606828 Books

Things I especially like about this book:

(1) It is so diverse in its content. It contains fiction, non-fiction and poetry, a very nice variety of creative writing forms. And quite a range in style, approach, subject matter, set location, and viewpoint, as well. Such diversity is what makes a good anthology such a pleasure to have on hand to read as the mood strikes. This anthology does the job.

(2) Fine writing. Enough said.

(3) Profits from the book go to the youth scholarship program of the San Miguel de Allende (Mexico) chapter of PEN International, a global nonprofit association of writers that promotes, among other things, freedom of expression everywhere on the planet.

(4) A great addition to the bedside table. When you have just a few minutes to read before going to sleep, an anthology like this offers lots of tasty choices. Or put it on your coffee table, read it in the afternoon. Just read it.

(5) A fine gift book. (Hey, you don't have to wonder if the recipient will like it. With 56 different writers inside, how can you go wrong?)

Product details

  • Paperback 294 pages
  • Publisher Saint Michael Press (August 8, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0615606822

Read Sol English Writing in Mexico A Literary Magazine Volume 1 Eva Hunter Fiona Hernandez 9780615606828 Books

Tags : Sol English Writing in Mexico: A Literary Magazine (Volume 1) [Eva Hunter, Fiona Hernandez] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 56 Authors from around the world present prize-winning poetry, fiction, and literary nonfiction in this anthology of works about,Eva Hunter, Fiona Hernandez,Sol English Writing in Mexico: A Literary Magazine (Volume 1),Saint Michael Press,0615606822,ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Books
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Sol English Writing in Mexico A Literary Magazine Volume 1 Eva Hunter Fiona Hernandez 9780615606828 Books Reviews

An engaging, pleasing read. I enjoyed it very much. It delivers a wide variety of styles in fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Professional quality, beautifully written. Something for everyone.
Recommend it. This book contains many stories about living in the never-boring country of Mexico. It is often difficult for foreigners to understand another culture especially when excessive media coverage promotes a stereotypical or maligning view of it. The short stories included in this anthology provide an insight into real life experiences in this magical country of opposites which has stubbornly held on to its cultural heritage and traditions. They are thoughtful, sad, happy and downright hilarious.
San Miguel de Allende is either one of the best-kept or worst-kept secrets of international culture--take your pick. It's a genuine "power spot" for creativity of all kinds visual arts, music, literature, the works. Painters, sculptors, musicians, novelist, and poets from all over the world flock there to drink up the colonial magic and milieu.

For this anthology, editor Eva Hunter has gathered up a whopping 56 English-language works by 56 writers with connections to Mexico and/or San Miguel. These specimens range through non-fiction, fiction, and poetry. Here are gems by James Cervantes, Tony Cohan, Joseph Dispenza, Judyth Hill, Susan McKinney de Ortega, Lynda Schor, Halvard Johnson, Edward Simpson, Deborah Kent Stein ... just for starters. Expect it to fill up your life with many rich and wonderful hours.
Who'd have thought such a sterling cast of writers would be included in this excellent anthology coming out of the sleepy little town of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico? 53 writers, most of them "names," but some who are "discoveries," offer up an exciting mix of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from and about subjects all over the world--not limited to Mexico.

And perhaps the best thing about this anthology is that all profits go to at-risk Mexican youth through scholarships provided through the San Miguel de Allende chapter of International PEN.

Truly a book not to be missed!
There is nothing like the satisfaction of reading beautifully crafted writing. And this anthology of poets, fiction, and nonfiction writers is an entirely satisfying collection that will appeal to a wide spectrum of reading tastes. Some of the entries are as short, delicious appetizers -- others are exquisite main dishes that go deep into imaginative fiction or personal history. Sensitively edited and assembled. All in all, a volume to savor.

Congratulations, Eva Hunter and staff, for this stellar accomplishment.

Joseph Dispenza is the author of Older Man Younger Man A Love Story and other books.
This collection of page-turning fiction, non-fiction, and poetry is utterly delicious just excellent. I have it bedside and have already re-read stories that invite us back and back, some mysterious, some funny, some recounting startling history and all vivid.
This is rich, crafted work from writers noted and new, each piece honed and seasoned, and a sheer pleasure for any reader.
Anthologies are a hard genre to select and arrange diverse pieces of writing from assorted writers into a meaningful - beautiful- whole is a big task! And rare, in my opinion. And I own and read many. This one is a resounding success kudos to the editors and staff!
The various pieces weave in and around themes of magical Mexico..and then --- move into distant territories for readerly refreshment. The pace works the content stays inviting.
And, in addition, the editors explain that the sales of this book benefit a local Scholarship fund; we get a great read, a well-made book,and a young Mexican student gets an extraordinary opportunity for higher education it doesn't get much better!
Things I especially like about this book

(1) It is so diverse in its content. It contains fiction, non-fiction and poetry, a very nice variety of creative writing forms. And quite a range in style, approach, subject matter, set location, and viewpoint, as well. Such diversity is what makes a good anthology such a pleasure to have on hand to read as the mood strikes. This anthology does the job.

(2) Fine writing. Enough said.

(3) Profits from the book go to the youth scholarship program of the San Miguel de Allende (Mexico) chapter of PEN International, a global nonprofit association of writers that promotes, among other things, freedom of expression everywhere on the planet.

(4) A great addition to the bedside table. When you have just a few minutes to read before going to sleep, an anthology like this offers lots of tasty choices. Or put it on your coffee table, read it in the afternoon. Just read it.

(5) A fine gift book. (Hey, you don't have to wonder if the recipient will like it. With 56 different writers inside, how can you go wrong?)
Ebook PDF Sol English Writing in Mexico A Literary Magazine Volume 1 Eva Hunter Fiona Hernandez 9780615606828 Books

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